SOL 2020 17: social distancing day 4

As I lie in my bed and listen to the youngest babble from his crib, I have many thoughts.

That’s adorable.

You must not be very tired.

Your speech is getting so much clearer.

But first and foremost is…

Why couldn’t you have been this cute all day today?

I had big plans. There was a schedule and everything. It had time for me to be with the kids as well as time for me to work. It started off with me getting up early to get a jump start before the kids woke followed by family breakfast and a walk…for gross motor, of course.

Our neighbors are wonderful and someone organized a shamrock hunt. We all taped a few shamrocks in our windows and when we had a few minutes and needed some fresh air, you would head out to count them…trying not to get to close to anyone. We were out the door by 10:00am and didn’t run into anyone. It was still pretty brisk outside.

Then it was fine motor time. This is when they were going to color their shamrocks and I was going to check my email.

First failure.

My kids cannot work at the same table and they certainly cannot share a bucket of crayons. It was not 2 minutes into this little planned activity when heard screams over he colored my shamrock and a gut wrenching scream of broken because George doesn’t know how to use crayons without cracking them.

The first very limited screen time of the day wasn’t supposed to happen until just before lunch but I broke at the first sign of arguing.

Netflix to the rescue. By 11:04 am. But at least I’m working.

After their show movie and lunch, it was time for nap and quiet time. George wasn’t happy but his crib contained him until that fresh air did its thing. McKenna was thrilled that the drawing table from the basement had been pulled into her bedroom. She brought up some beads and a puzzle and her favorite books. She was all set.

Until she wasn’t.

Diarrhea. Twice.

There goes my 2 hour nap time work session. I was planning to watch a webinar while organizing my Google Drive. Now I was trying to do that with a four year old on my knee.

A few calls from the boss and it was nearing quitting time. Just in time for a George to wake from his nap whereupon he decided that he was going to act like a lion.

Roaring and everything.

This is where I split them up. McK wanted to stay in her room and George was wanting to watch Boss Baby. Again.

More unscheduled screen time.

It is his favorite movie and he will always sit to watch it. Yet today, he wanted to give me a play-by-play and angered when I didn’t turn to see what was so funny.

Cute baby, mama.

Butt, mama.

Waa! Waa! Mama.

Hahaha! Mama.

What schedule? Screen time for everyone.

This is going to be harder than I thought.

I am writing for the 2020 Slice of Life Challenge.


  1. Oh, how incredibly awful! It does get easier as you gradually figure out a system, but it is not speedy. I imagine that since you don’t work from home, your kids are probably used to having more of your attention when you are there than you can give them while also working. Hang in there! Some days, working during naptime has GOT to work.

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