SOL 23: date day

It’s rare that my husband and I get to go out on a really real date. Between classes and homework, kid and homeowner responsibilities we are too busy or tired to fit it into our already overfilled schedules.

We’ve tried that old marital advise that we’ve all heard…you have to schedule time together. But how do you schedule the time when there isn’t even enough time in the day to get done what you need to get done? That’s why we scheduled a date in advanced.

Way in advanced.

Like three months ago.

For his stocking stuffer this year, I got him a brewery tour for two. Of course, I had hoped he wanted to bring me but I left it up to him. Thankfully, he chose me.

It was scheduled for a particular date so we really had to stick to it. It was their very last tour before their busy season started. There was no rescheduling it. I arranged for a sitter…an aunt who was only too eager to do it. And we went.

We spent well over an hour touring Pollyanna Brewery with a couple of delicious beers in hand. We lazily walked down to Nick’s Tavern, just a few blocks away and ate their famous oversized cheeseburgers. It was wonderful. We talked about nothing in particular. Honestly, we barely even mentioned the kids.

Bad parents? Maybe.

But we knew they were having a blast with their aunt, uncle and cousin eating chocolate, playing with balloons, and polishing nails. They were being spoiled with all the attention we just couldn’t muster after a long winter being stuck in the house. The refreshing fresh air and sunshine recharged us. We know we can now go home and give our children 100% until the next time we can manage to sneak away. Taking suggestions for June date days.

I am writing for the 2019 March Slice of Life Challenge


  1. Omg you went already! I thought it was scheduled for May. Whoops. Serves me right for reading your slices backwards in time. Disregard previous comment, sort of, and come back this way in June. I hear this downtown gets lit in the summer.


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