SOL 1: Hello Old Friend


Hello there, old friend.  It’s been a while since I spent time with you sharing my thoughts.  I haven’t taken the time to visit since last March.

Is it because I have had nothing to say?

Probably not.  Anyone who knows me can confirm that I always can find something to say.

Is it because it is too much work to share the ramblings scattered about the crevices of my mind?

Maybe.  It is hard to collect thoughts that float around like the cottonwood that flies every spring.  Shining them up to present to the public is sometimes as effective as cleaning up glitter.  There will always be some left behind.

Most likely, it is because putting your most inner thoughts to paper screen gives people permission to know them.  To know you.  It gives a glimpse into your soul when you may be working overtime to hide it it.

This year is similar to last where I have two littles, a husband, a few classes, and a full-time that feels like a fuller time job.  I would love to say that I commit to writing for 31 days straight.  But let’s face it, time is limited and sleep is coveted.  So I am committing to posting three times a week but secretly hope for more.  Maybe you will want to read.  Maybe you will even leave a comment.  If not, that’s OK.  I know how life goes.  Maybe we will meet up again next year.

I am writing for the 2019 March Slice of Life Challenge.


  1. You so beautifully write out all my feelings this month! It is nice to be back among our old friends and I know that I am going to try and carve out as much time as possible to celebrate that! Easier said than done, but a goal nonetheless.


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