SOL 22: I promise

I promise. I’ve been lurking in the back grounds of your slices. I’ve read about your friend get togethers and children. I’ve read about classrooms and students and administrators. I’ve read about your favorite cheese and even a coffee cake.

I just haven’t been so great at commenting. I try to take some time each morning before hauling ass out of bed to read some of the lovely writers I follow. But there is little time between the alarm and departure to leave little love notes for all the writings I love. Then from the moment I hit the door to the moment I climb into bed, I am surrounded by the million things that you do.

Clean up.
Eat dinner.
Clean up again.
Cuddles and a show.
Read a book.
PJ and songs.
Clean up. Yes, again.
Fold laundry.
Pick up the toys.
Start the dishwasher.
Make lunches.
Settle the baby.
Set a time with the sitter.
Collapse into bed.
Talk to my husband.
Slice my day.
Resettle the baby.


I’m sure I missed at least a dozen things. I’m currently trying to slice while I hide in the living room and ignore the children who have been B. A. D. BAD since dinner. All sass. Not listening. I needed a break.

So as I look at the email notifications on my phone, I am reminded of all the blogs I have not read today. And yesterday. And probably the day before. I’m the kind of person who cannot have notifications on her phone. At all. I try to keep a zero inbox policy beat I can. So this is making me very nervous. If I can get this slice submitted before last call, I might be able to catch up on some slice consumption and comments tonight.

I am writing for the 15th annual Slice of Life challenge presented by Two Writing Teachers.


  1. I hear you! My email is filling up with all the posts I want to get to and haven’t. I LOVE your first paragraph, with its summary of all the posts you’ve read. It’s such a great description of the slices as a whole. I’m glad I made time to read your post–it was definitely a treat!


  2. I am doing what they recommended and looping back at the end of my day, and I’m so glad I did. It was a pleasure to read your post. I laughed at “B.A.D… Bad…” 😂 And the image of you hiding-writing. You wrote! Victory!


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