9SOL24: Ralph and Felix

Way back when the world stopped…for just two weeks…George took a sudden liking to a babydoll that had been sitting in the corner for months. I actually SLICED about it all the way back then. Since 2024, Ralph has become a permanent fixture around here. We’ve expanded his wardrobe just a bit with Bitty Baby sized clothes from Amazon. American Girl really has to do better with having gender neutral or boy inspired clothes. Their options are…limited…at best.

Baby Ralph does not want a dress, Mom. 
He wants sweatpants and cool shirts like me!

~George ages 2, 3, 4, 5, & 6
George taking a naked Ralph for a walk.

When Theo was born, he was the size of George’s beloved Ralph. George used to want to put baby brother into the dolly stroller to drag him around like Ralph. I think they actually tried this game last week. Unsuccessfully.

When Theo was just a little, little guy, he wanted a baby doll, too. But I remembered all too well how often big brother would roll over onto Ralph’s pointy toes and wake up screaming. So we got Theo a soft baby instead who was promptly named Felix by George.

Remember the movie Wreck It Ralph?  
Fix-It Felix, Jr. and Wreck-It Ralph become good buddies after a tumultuous 30 years or so.
Since this is how Ralph got his name, it seemed only appropriate that it was also how the next baby doll in the family was named.

Sounds just like a couple of brothers to me.
the OG Ralph and Felix

Theo plays with Felix on and off while Ralph remains a regular guest at the dinner table. I’ve been left to babysit these two grand-dolls of mine too many times to count. I’m usually left with intense feeding and nap schedules along strict instructions to NEVER put them down.

one of the many times I’ve been left to watch the babies

Recently, Theo has not been satisfied with Felix. He wants a doll like George’s so he can change his clothes. Again, we need more options AG. After much searching, I found a good deal on a gently loved Bitty Baby who looks just different enough from Ralph to be able to tell them apart. Theo immediately named him Other Felix. 🤷🏻‍♀️ I was able to purchase the only other set of not entirely girly frocks from Amazon. Everyone is happy.

happily snuggling his pointy toed baby

Today the boys have been dragging their kids all over. We watched Wreck it Ralph tonight and they are planning to watch Ralph Breaks the Internet tomorrow…by request. I got some magic bottles for their Easter Baskets. Remember those? They are going to love them!!

just some brothers with their babies

I am writing for the 17th annual Slice of Life challenge presented by Two Writing Teachers.


  1. This post made my day. Sweet, funny, creative, cute. George and Theo are so lucky to have parents that don’t put their children in a stereotype mold. On the contrary, expand their horizons and possibilities on how to be great and kind caregivers.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. So cool that these children are being given the opportunity to play as *they* choose and show the care and love to their babies to their hearts’ content. There’s a warmth to the writing that emerges as more than the joy of sharing about loved ones. I feel invited and included to enjoy the scenes described.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Pingback: 25SOL24: bucket list 2024 | Karyn In The Kitchen

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