SOL21 Day 12 and Five Minute Friday: possible

You need to clean up your room.

I can’t. It’s just impossible.

Can you read this book to your brother?

I can’t. It’s just impossible.

Can you put your dishes in the sink?

I can’t It’s just impossible.

When you are young, the simplest tasks seem impossible. As a parent, it is my job and privilege to teach my children that a lot more than they thought is possible with some hard work and the right attitude. Notice I didn’t say EVERYTHING. No. As much as I would like to say EVERYTHING is possible, that would be setting my child up for a failure I don’t want to witness. So the other part of my job is to teach my child that failure is okay. It is how we learn and grow. It is what makes the next impossible just a step closer to becoming possible. And a lot of failure can lead to your proudest successes.

I am writing for the 2021 Slice of Life Challenge.
I am participating in FIVE MINUTE FRIDAY. Today’s word is possible. The rules are simple. Write for five minutes flare. There is not extreme editing; no worrying about perfect grammar, font, punctuation. It is unscripted. Unedited. Real.


  1. I read a great book called The Gift of Failure. It made me think of how failure actually gives kids a sense of autonomy and control. It let’s the child develop the agency to know they can do it. I like how you summed it up, “It is what makes the next impossible just a step closer to becoming possible.”


  2. This is soooooo true. We want to fill our children with hope and confidence for the future, but not everything is possible for them. By teaching them to go step by step and think things through–in tandem with the Truth of the Word–we train them to build on what they experience, successes and failures. It makes for a much more grounded person AND a greater blessing for the Kingdom!


  3. I totally agree, but I’m also surprised by the number of things that are legitimately impossiible that become possible. Either with time, practice, growth, or God’s intervention. That’s why failure is so important…. because we don’t know what’s possible until we try.

    Amie, FMF #30


  4. Failure is the stepping-stone
    that we truly need,
    for it is by mistakes alone
    that we learn how to succeed.
    And failure, too, is warning,
    that we may not love,
    but better that than burning
    hand again on stove.
    So bring on all the stumbles,
    bring on each defeat,
    that while they may cause grumbles
    help the heart to meet
    that day when we pass the test,
    and SnOoPyDaNcInG, we shout, “Yesssss!”


  5. I don’t think I have run across the five minute Friday format before, and it is intriguing. Moreso is the reminder about what is possible and what it takes to achieve it! It’s also nice to know that I am not the only mom who is regularly told that normal, required aspects of life are “impossible.”


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