Day 1: Getting Cozy

slice-of-life I am writing for the Two Writing Teachers March Writing Challenge


I’ve always been a morning person…in the fact that I haven’t slept well in longer than I can remember.  Therefore, waking up in the morning has never been an issue for me because I probably wasn’t sleeping anyway.  Now, pulling myself out of bed has always been a feat unto itself.  I don’t like to leave the comfort of my pillows and blankets and cozy PJs.  I don’t like to feel the cold floor on my feet or the wait for the shower to warm.

But something happened about a year and a half ago.

I became a working mom.

My maternity leave ended and my time as super teacher by day and wonder mom by night began.  There was this little void in the morning that I filled with a new kind of snuggle.  Baby McK snuggles.  Each day, I wake up and ready myself for the never ending to-do-list ahead.  I take a quick shower and toss on the very bare minimum of makeup in order to not look particularly homeless at work.  Then I sneak into her little room nestled between Papa’s and our own to try to cuddle her close before she fully awakens.  She usually turns her little head into my shoulder and crosses her legs on top of my own as we sink into the comfy chair under the heavy blanket.  We call it getting cozy.  She knows what this means.  We don’t talk…but whisper.  We quietly sing songs and recite memorized books and chat about all the friends she will see at “school”.  For the longest time, I did all the talking and she had little to say.  But recently, McK has begun to steer the conversation to her favorite topics of the fish in the fish tank, her yogurt breakfast, and her beloved dogs.  In the year and a half since we started cozy mornings, we have created a little routine that I fear will be short lived.  I dread the day when she hops off my lap not wanting to cuddle with her old mama.  But for now, I will bask in the fact that I am at the center of her universe with a short list of other people…and the fish…and her dogs.  I will enjoy every minute and stretch them to the last possible moment so as to not miss a single morning snuggle with my Kenna Girl.



  1. Such an honest slice about the struggle to balance super teacher and wonder mom. Truly bask in the joy of being the center of her universe. It is incredibly sweet. Welcome to the #SOL17. Looking forward to reading more slices!


  2. I remember those days of returning to work…the struggle, the routine, the pain of not being with your child, but it gets better with time. You have obviously worked out a way to make it easier on you. Such a funny part when you said “…toss on the very bare minimum of makeup in order to not look particularly homeless at work.” Cute way to present how you only get a few, rushed minutes for “you.” Welcome to the challenge. Great first slice! 🙂


  3. I can absolutely relate! I wish I could be a stay-at-home mom and just soak in all of the experiences my in-laws get to have while they watch her for me. There is nothing like a snuggle with your babies! I look forward to reading more from you!


  4. I’m reading these backwards. I’m behind but I won’t skip out on any. Promise. First off, welcome to SOL month. You’re a great fit into this community. Second, this IS a perfect slice! kar, I love it! It’s got all the feels as they say. Not too heady, just the right glimpse into your beautiful McKlife. Well done, slice 1! Woot woot!


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