SOL Day 6: playing beauty shop

McKenna has opinions. All kinds of opinions.

Foods she eats.

Movies she does not like.

Sweaters she will wear and more often not wear.

Shoes she loves.

But mostly she has opinions about her hair.

See, I need to awaken her by 6:00am on school days. She is NOT a morning person. I’ve tried several techniques. I’ll crawl into bed to cuddle while quietly waking her. I’ve tried picking her up and moving her to the couch. I’ve tried opening her door early and letting her come out when she’s ready. None of it works. She prefers to sleep LATE. It’s not unusual for her to sleep in until 9 or even later on the weekend.

So when I need to pull her out of bed on any other day of the week, EVERYTHING I do is wrong. What I am most wrong about is her hair. I brush it too much. Or too little. I do pig tails but they are too high or not high enough. The ponytail has the wrong color pony holder. A month ago, I didn’t know how to do a happy birthday unicorn ponytail braid. 🤦🏻‍♀️

Mom card revoked.

But then there are days on the weekends when she will let me play after she showers and we dry her hair in Mommy’s Bathroom with the blowing dryer…capital letters because this is a very important place. We’ve created some lovely styles. Here. Let me show you.

Piggy buns for that laid back weekend look–messy hair, don’t care.

Classic Elsa braid–after moving into the ice castle–not at the regular castle–more on that style later.

corn pony AKA unicorn ponytail

Anna braids for when you aren’t feeling as glamorous as Elsa

This weekend we had some extra time to do something very special. She wanted to sit in Mommy’s Bathroom to have her LONG hair blow dried. It legit took me 4 times as long to dry her hair then it ever has taken me to dry my own.

Then came the braiding. She needed something beautiful like Elsa–when she’s the queen at the regular castle–doncha know.

I have created a monster, people. I had no idea what she was talking about. We googled it and this is what we came up with. I thought it was perfect.

Apparently, it was just…okay. Okay?! My fingers were cramping. It was missing something. It needed a gold bow to match her gold shoes and gold sweater. 🤦🏻‍♀️ DUH! I have no idea where the gold bow is and it is catastrophic. After finding it in the bottom of her school bag, she declared her hair JUST PERFECT.

I can appreciate that she’s a woman who knows what she wants. But, boy, the demands are getting more and more difficult. It will not be long before I can no longer keep up. I’m hoping she will let me do her hair a while longer because when she stops being so compliant, out come the scissors.

I am writing for the Two Writing Teachers March Writing Challenge


  1. Gotta love it, Mc. I have the same strong opinions and I’m a grown woman. (STAY STRONG, LITTLE OJO!) however as a Mom. Shit. Are you serious? I don’t have the energy or patience for a girl, I tell you. I used to have to do the foam rollers the night before for a little girl with blonde hair to her waist that I used to babysit. It was an extra $10 tip, saving her mom hours of arguing before Irish dance class in the morning. She was 7. So you’ve got a ways but maybe remember that story for your future babysitter interviews. F, I’d get one just to do that braid for me; that’s a bargain! Great slice. Love the pics throughout especially. So what if I’m biased. I’m the reading audience and one without little girls. I’ve never even seen all of Frozen, just parts of it maybe twice. No joke. I feel blessed AF!


  2. Holy cow do I love this! Beautiful work momma!
    This makes me a twinge more grateful that I have to wrestle my girl to brush her hair. But not really- I wish I could do all this with her hair. Great slice!


  3. I grew my hair out long as a teenager specifically so I could do fancy arrangements with it – that I then never had time for, because I was in high school…college…graduate school…working as a teacher… I finally cut my hip length hair off after a few years of teaching when my barely pencil held up bun came tumbling down over a student when I leaned over to help him with his writing! You are a wonderful mom to let your little one indulge her hair fantasies when she has the time to sit still and have it arranged. It’s not just little girls either. My 7 year old boy has a bleached streak that has to be combed just so, or he freaks out. Occasionally, he feels exotic and adds some color. I honestly spend more on his hair than mine!


  4. First off, you are so talented in all of the different styles you are able to pull off. I am a rookie, but making some progress in the toddler hair dos. I can relate as my daughter whom is almost four wants her hair “like Anna”, two braids, two piggy buns, one bun, one pony, etc. I have found that her requests usual become increasingly difficult when we have the least amount of time.


  5. Pingback: SOL 7: Hair today. Gone tomorrow. | Karyn In The Kitchen

  6. Pingback: SOL 22: cut or keep | Karyn In The Kitchen

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